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11.07.06 BMW Motorrad Off-Road Team Preps for Baja 1000























BMW Motorrad Off-Road Team Preps for Baja 1000

The Baja 1000. It's the longest non-stop, point-to-point race in the world, and the mother of all torture tests for man and machine. Hazards lurk around every turn, ranging from wandering cows and horses, to choking silt beds with the consistency of flour, and even local traffic. (The race is held on public "roads" that are not closed for the event) Make no mistake: the Baja 1000, which is raced at night as well as the day, is the most grueling race ever devised. But despite these numerous hurdles, the BMW Motorrad off-road team is ready for the supreme challenge that begins this November 16th in Ensenada. (Tech inspection and sign up begin November 15th)

This year's squad has just finished testing their two HP 2 Enduro practice bikes at El Mirage dry lake bed in California and are feeling very confident and comfortable aboard the bike, judging by these awesome photos they were kind enough to send our way. (Taken by rider #4 Tony Megla)
In these shots you'll see the team putting the HP 2 through its paces, catching big air, and testing the massive Baja giant front head light set-up. The BMW Motorrad team features coordinator Tim Morton of Baja Bound Adventures, who will provide logistical support, planning and race strategy. The racers for this year's Baja 1000 are rider of record Beau Hayden, who will start the race.
(Ron Bishop will ride second. Ron has competed in every Baja 1000 and is a Baja legend!) After Ron, Chuck Dempsey will take the helm, before handing the bike off to Tony Megla and finally
Peter Postel who will finish the race in La Paz, at mile 1,047. The team expects to do the race in
24 to 25 hours and reach the finish line the morning of November 17th. Mag 7 will provide assistance in the pits.

The 39th Tecate Score Baja 1000 promises
to be more exciting than ever, what with the severe damage done by hurricanes in the region earlier this fall. There will be washouts, monster ruts, whoops, and of course, the infamous Baja silt to contend with, not to mention the multitude of buggies, ATVs and eight hundred horsepower trophy trucks blasting along the route.

However, aboard the HP 2 Enduro, this
year's team will have a unique advantage. They'll be packing a whopping 105 ponies aboard a 1200 cc flat-twin Boxer motor that can rocket through the wide open sections like no other bike in the field. The HP 2's size may hinder it slightly in the tighter sections, but in the hands of expert riders like ours, we are confident the team will be supremely competitive. (Besides, around here, we like challenges.)

The BMW Motorrad off-road team leaves to begin pre-running their race sections this week. We wish everyone the best of luck and most of all, a safe finish. Check back at for more updates and a post-race report soon.


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